

I don't need anyone,

I have myself,

the love I have in my heart is enough,

strength comes as it is required.


I can't stop thinking of you.

I want more of you in my life.

I miss your energy,

I don't need you but

I love you.


Our connection is so special

you hold a mirror up to me

we are two parts of the same whole.


You have always seemed beyond my reach,

too many people love you already.


You've had too many sexy girlfriends

to ever want me.


I don't think you have ever seen me in

any other way than as a friend.


So before I make a fool of myself

I'm going to stop fantasising about you.


I'm simply going to be overly excited

to see you when we reunite,

give you an extra long hug

and tell you how much I love you

and miss you

because that's the truth.