

I don't need anyone,

I have myself,

the love I have in my heart is enough,

strength comes as it is required.


I can't stop thinking of you.

I want more of you in my life.

I miss your energy,

I don't need you but

I love you.


Our connection is so special

you hold a mirror up to me

we are two parts of the same whole.


You have always seemed beyond my reach,

too many people love you already.


You've had too many sexy girlfriends

to ever want me.


I don't think you have ever seen me in

any other way than as a friend.


So before I make a fool of myself

I'm going to stop fantasising about you.


I'm simply going to be overly excited

to see you when we reunite,

give you an extra long hug

and tell you how much I love you

and miss you

because that's the truth.


Everything creative is filled with self-inflicted torture and doubt.


We do it because once it's done there is something which exists beyond ourselves.


Creativity speaks to everyone at the same time.


A universal language connecting everyone to one another.


To remind us we all essentially go through the same struggles.

Blew you a kiss

I blew you a kiss even though I wanted to give you a real one.

I turned around and walked away.


I wish you’d followed me.


I never wanted to hurt you, but I think I did.

I was so stupid and naive, I never saw you.

Actually I thought you didn’t like me.

It is frightening to bare your heart,

declare your feelings.

 Most people are afraid

when it comes to big feelings.

Was I really that intimidating?

Couldn’t you have said something.

Why was I so blind?

Why did I have to fuck up my life so much? 

Now we are so far from one another.

I don’t know if I can pull myself out of the hole I’ve dug.

I need to get out of this pit because no one is coming to rescue me.

And you don’t even know how much I ache for you.

I’m surely damned.

Still here

Love is still here for you

as I light a candle

in front

of your photo


I remember how your grandson and I

smothered you with hugs and kisses

the last time we said goodbye


Our love for you remains

here suspended in the air

you are intertwined in these

three words.


Sometimes I get tangled up with everyday life.


One fine, straight cotton thread becomes entwined

around my family, work, children and economic situation.


Once it was easy to thread a needle and get to work as I please

now the loop is twisted and turned upon itself around others

and then back to me.


The more I try to pull away from it the tighter it becomes.


Like those poor sea lions and marine animals caught up in plastic

fishing lines cutting into their own skin

around mouths, restricting movement until they starve to death


Could I cut myself out?

What would be left of me?

The thread is cutting off chunks of flesh

surely there won't be much of myself left

the tangle is too tight to be unthread.



You can reinvent yourself

endless times in life

so don’t be so precious

about failing,

just get up and reset.


Don’t accept what others think

as the truth of who you are

you are your own creation.


Today I ate, drank and lived

without sharing online

and I felt truly alive.



Delicate Impossibilities


I've never been able to let go of my delicate impossibilities

the airheaded dreamer holds onto what if  moments

what would have happened along another path

with different people by my side

or even by myself.


I delight myself in remembering the gentle caresses

standing too close or too long with someone

regretting not leaning over and kissing

or not following someone to the train station

losing touch, moving on while holding on to a first love

never forgetting shared intimacies and always desiring more.


There is one fleeting moment which constantly

haunts me, a man I loved when he was but a boy

I worry perhaps he was my soul mate

he was a reflection of myself, and I have always loved him

I still have his perfume, I smell the odour of our youth

my innocence.

I wish him all my love

and still, I dream of him.


Did he see himself in me and flee

Perhaps he believed I forgot him

I'm a good actress

I can never forget that piece of me

I found myself with him

and I want to let him know

I will always remember you,

soul mate and love

even if you make yourself invisible

the delicate impossibilities will remain.

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