Don’t box me in

Except the unexpected

because I'm bursting with ideas

and I'm going to do it all.


So insanely talented,

yet terrified to do anything,

destined to be nothing

but a frustrated artist

too busy watching Youtube

scrolling Instagram and playing

Candy Crush,

brainwashed into wasting time.


Soul crushed by comparison.

Why bother trying when

is it all taken away from you in the end?

I’ve had better days

There have been better days than now,

felt less lost and confused

not so sad or deflated

I wish for one of those

better days instead of smack

bang in one of the worst ones.


Nothing going right

love went to waste

efforts all worthless

and so, so far away

from everyone I love.


The hurt comes in tears

that bastard blows up in

your face,

whether you like it or not

that emotion's going to come

knock you over and make you

I wish for better days.

They will come; be patient.

The same blood

You can be red raw and still sing your song.

You can have tears in your eyes and still tell your story.

The truth is where the tale lies.

You cannot or should not wait to share it.

The emotion will help you to connect to others.

Because everyone can see you

understand and communicate

with feelings.

So don’t be afraid to bleed onto the page

we all have the same blood in our veins.


Everything creative is filled with self-inflicted torture and doubt.


We do it because once it's done there is something which exists beyond ourselves.


Creativity speaks to everyone at the same time.


A universal language connecting everyone to one another.


To remind us we all essentially go through the same struggles.

Soul mate

The truth is I am very lonely,

lost and confused.

Like most people are.

When we sat and talked

with openness and honesty

I felt lifted up by you

and so unbelievably attracted.


It wasn’t a simple physical attraction

I’ve felt that before, that little flash

of fantasy that flickers momentarily on the mind.

Or could it be just that?

You are so handsome and charming.


I have never felt so comfortable

with anyone else in my life.

Was it just me or where we

totally in sync?

Practically finishing off

each other’s sentences.


When I’m in your company

I want to tell you everything

and I want to hear everything from you.

I care so deeply, it hurts.

I don’t need you,

but I want to be always in your company.

It is never enough.


I think you are my best friend, confidant

and dare I say it …

soul mate.


A mirror to show me everything,

 awaken me from my sleep,

reveal a layer of myself back to me

and then slip away.

I see

I see right through you

and into your wild madness

like a transparent teardrop

a bubble that bursts and dissipates

trickling down my leg

and into the ground

drying up in the sun

an anticlimax, all but forgotten.



I confess I am lost

without hope

free falling through life

doing enough to barely

keep breathing

is that enough?


To live with each breathe

holding onto this existence

through inhaling and exhaling

in the most basic of actions,

hoping death doesn’t come

filling the lungs with air and

expelling carbon dioxide.


It seems so little a thing to do

when a new plague

robs people of this

simple action

taking their lives

by taking away

the abililty to breathe.

Be as a child

I want to be like a child

in awe of the world around me

generous with love and affection

accepting of change, always

growing and learning.


I want to always expect the best

and even if it doesn't happen

simply continue to hope

get back up and move through

life with a  naive energy

which keeps you moving

in a mixture of creativity,

curiosity and determination.


Children are so flexible

they are like a cup filling

and overflowing with water

A piece of magic

when the world seems dark

be like a child

live with hope

and endless faith.


I've had better days

 There have been better days than now,

felt less lost and confused

not so sad or deflated

I wish for one of those

better days

instead of smack

bang in one of the worst ones.


Nothing going right

love went to waste

efforts all worthless

and so, so far away

from everyone I love.


The hurt comes in tears

that bastard blows up in

your face,

whether you like it or not

that emotion's going to come

knock you over and make you

wish for better days

they will come, just be patient.


I don’t care what other people think of me because I’m intelligent, empathetic, sensitive, creative, reflective, and worthy.

I’m willing to take up space, contribute, make something new and create worthy connections in the world.

I’m here to seek knowledge and understanding, listen and see different points of view.

I want to be a kind ear, an encouraging and reassuring voice for others.

I’m growing every day, making mistakes and stumbling along, always moving forward and looking to become a better person.

I can change my mind and opinions because life is about evolving and living this moment at its greatest potential.

My poetry


My poetry is a constant whisper in my ear

a dark, haunting and persistent dream

my inner voice leaking out of my head

a constant weeping emotion

which is eerie, untamed and real

it is always uncomfortable

to share as the words come from an awkward place

yet they feel beautiful just the same


They are like little deformities

which express a deep insecurity

unpleasing to the eye

yet satisfying for the soul.


I coax them out of me like untamed wild animals

I watch as they slowly show me their savage power

I am always in awe of the epicness of human emotion

And how it can consume itself.


Death's garden


The idea came to commemorate my dearest ancestors

by planting them a garden.


Lavander sprigs for stillborn Estella.


Delicate violets from Nonna’s garden.


An all-enveloping ivy that covers and embraces

everything for Nonno.


Daddy would be an aubergine flower as that's

what he left for us in his garden.


Mum will be an exotic caper flower after she is gone.


I will plant them on my skin,

they will slowly grow up my arm

and cover my body in death's garden.


Added to with every loss

I choose a new plant to sow

for my family and friends

and add to the artwork

with each ghost.
