

I don't need anyone,

I have myself,

the love I have in my heart is enough,

strength comes as it is required.


I can't stop thinking of you.

I want more of you in my life.

I miss your energy,

I don't need you but

I love you.


Our connection is so special

you hold a mirror up to me

we are two parts of the same whole.


You have always seemed beyond my reach,

too many people love you already.


You've had too many sexy girlfriends

to ever want me.


I don't think you have ever seen me in

any other way than as a friend.


So before I make a fool of myself

I'm going to stop fantasising about you.


I'm simply going to be overly excited

to see you when we reunite,

give you an extra long hug

and tell you how much I love you

and miss you

because that's the truth.

Beyond Myself

Oh artist, please paint me

I'm desperate to be immortalised

not because I want to be remembered

I'm happy to be forgotten

but because I want to leap out of the page

through my own words

into another's heart

to connect.

To gaze into another's soul.

Through a time beyond myself.

Don’t box me in

Except the unexpected

because I'm bursting with ideas

and I'm going to do it all.


So insanely talented,

yet terrified to do anything,

destined to be nothing

but a frustrated artist

too busy watching Youtube

scrolling Instagram and playing

Candy Crush,

brainwashed into wasting time.


Soul crushed by comparison.

Why bother trying when

is it all taken away from you in the end?

Dream of a bear

I dreamt I was trampled by a bear.

A giant golden coloured female grizzly.

I got too close to her cubs and she charged me.

The sound was epic like the reverberation of an earthquake.

She threw down the walls of the cabin and made the earth shake.

I was in awe of her power.

I felt no pain as I pretended to be dead,

holding my breath as long as I could in the dream.

I woke up so I could breathe.

I’m sure I survived. 

She was only roaring out her anger over me

in this outer body experience.

This dream makes me wonder if I am being crushed by my own

expectations and inner frustrations.

Or if I need to roar out my anger too.